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Kathryn Dundas

creativity The Creativity Project

The Creativity Project Week #20: Kathryn Upitis

Kathryn Upitis The Creativity Project Week 20 Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

By day, Kathryn Upitis (aka Dr. Kathryn Dundas) uses integrative medicine to heal people as a whole: body, mind and spirit. When quilting, Kathryn applies this same approach to the quilts that she makes. She infuses everything she touches with intention, positive energy and the desire for her art to heal. Kathryn has not been quilting for very long, but what she has made in that short time has been impactful. Her quilts have shown at QuiltCons in 2105, 2017, and 2018; and her quilt, Silver Lining, is featured in the Modern Quilt Guild’s book Modern Quilts: Designs of the New Century. In addition, Kathryn’s quilt, Rocky Mountain High, is currently touring with the Best of Quilt Con Traveling Exhibit 2018. Kathryn’s designs have been featured in Modern Quilts Unlimited magazine and have won awards in Sewtopia challenges. In addition to making award-wining quilts, Kathryn’s wellness spa was recently recognized as one of the Top 25 Spas of Canada and was the recipient of the Education Award in the 2017 Canadian Spa & Wellness Awards, presented by Spa Inc. magazine, the Spa Industry Association of Canada (SIAC) and its consumer arm Leading Spas of Canada. Welcome, Kathryn!

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