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work in progress

easing my way into curves.

Curves by Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Drunkards Path Cutting

Have you noticed it, too?  Curves seem to be everywhere lately!  Just this week alone, there’s been a blog hop for the release of Angela Pingel’s DVD on Sewing Techniques for Accurate Curved Piecing, Rita Red Pepper’s variation on the Drunkard’s Path, and just check out all of the amazing curves going on at Stitched in Color’s clambake quilt-along! It’s true: curved piecing is sweeping the globe!

As you already may know, I jumped on the curves bandwagon and am about halfway through Rachel’s Curves Class. I have been doing my best to stay on top of the projects, and am really happy with how the class — and my skills — have progressed over the past few weeks.

The latest project was an improv curves mini-quilt, titled Oh Christmas Tree.

Oh Christmas Tree

My first tree was *almost* a success. That was, until I assembled the last seam against the tree’s left side. For some reason, my seam line has a few puckers toward the center of the curve.

O Christmas Tree

Michelle (From Bolt to Beauty), who is also taking the class, recommended that I shorten my stitch length, which I did, and that helped to solve the problem. The shortened stitch forced me to slow down and gave me the time I needed to control the fabric. I realized that I had been tugging on the fabric to get it to pivot under the needle, rather than gently guiding it. Once the stitch length was shortened, I was able to hold the fabric with less tension on the curve, and this resulted in a flatter seam.

How do I know this, you ask? Well, that is because I made a second Oh Christmas Tree, though pared down a bit, just to practice the skills again.

O Christmas Tree

The next project for the class is the drunkard’s path block, which I am uber excited about! I have only made one so far, but I am already in love! Here’s a sneak peek of my first block:

Drunkards Path Block

The class project is to turn this into a pot holder, but I don’t know if I can stop at just one! Have you ever made a drunkard’s path quilt? I’d love to see, if you did!

And if you, too, are having a love-affair with the curve, I’ve compiled a pinterest board with loads of curve-appeal!

Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced and Lorna at Sew Fresh Quilts. Happy Wednesday!

work in progress

15 for ’15!

2015! By Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Happy New Year!Have you seen the resolution link party going on at Quilting Jet Girl? Yep, it’s right up my alley! There’s nothing I love more than planning and dreaming about the year ahead, and how I’d like to learn, grow, and improve! So that’s why the time between Christmas and New Year’s is one of my favorites. I make tons of lists — and try to get everyone in the family to get as excited about it as I do (note: it doesn’t always work!). This year, we came up with an overall theme for our family. It’s not quite the “one word” theme as suggested by Gretchen Rubin, but on that same order. For 2015, that theme is Kindness: To Ourselves and Others. I also made a 2015 Bucket List of sorts — things I’d like to try this year. Places I’d like to visit, events I’d like to attend, things I’d like to see or do. Some are for us as a family, some for date nights, and this quilty list is just for me!

1. FMQ. It’s time to tackle this beast. I’ve been a chicken about it for a while (this was on 2014’s list, too! oops!), but I’m hoping 2015 is the year to face the fear.

2. Curves. This is another one I really want to get a handle on. There are many designs in my mind that I’d like to be able to execute once I can sew a curved line. I’m hoping Rachel’s Curves Class will be my ticket to becoming a curvy goddess! (wink, wink!)

3. Paper Piecing. I started tackling it this year — a few of my bee blocks and BOM blocks were paper pieced. I’ve got the gist, but I still get confused and will put a piece on backward or not cut it big enough to cover the template!

4. Public Speaking. Wait, whaaaa? How’s this quilting related? Well, at my local guild, I’m heading up programming for the year. And I have to announce the projects for the meetings. Not only do I stress about having to do it, but I know for a fact, I am terrible at it! I am so nervous that I forget important details, I stumble my words, it’s just a debacle. I’m not sure how (so if you have any tips, I’m all ears!), but I’m going to get this under control!

5. Slow Sewing. Over the holidays, we had the chance to slow things down. In doing so, I picked up my abandoned embroidery project and realized how enjoyable hand-sewing can be! I’d like to try a full cloth quilt like this, maybe even an appliqué project before the end of the year!

6. Charity Sewing. Even though I’m a part of do. Good Stitches, I’d also like to make at least one charity quilt on my own, to be raffled off at my sons’ preschool fundraiser.

7. Inspired by Art. I’d like to start a series here to explore different project ideas that are inspired by modern artist. Similar to my pillow project.

8. Attend a Retreat. I know it would be a sacrifice for my husband to watch the kids for a weekend while I was away, but I would love to have the chance to sew uninterrupted for a weekend while learning from others.

9. Make a Quilt for my Sister. I’m thinking something with Carolyn Friedlander’s Doe.

10. Start Holiday Gifts – In June! Maybe then I can actually finish on time!

11. Make a List of People I’d like to Meet. And then do everything I can do to make it happen.

12. Write a Pattern. This one is low down on the list because I’m not sure I’m ready for this to happen, but I’m hoping I will surprise myself with growth as the year progresses. A year is a long time!

13. Host a Giveaway. This scares me the most. Again, maybe as the year goes on. . .

14. Take a Drawing Class. I need help with my doodling! I’m looking at this Lisa Congdon class on Creative Bug.

15. Take a Painting Class. I’d love to learn about color using a different medium. There are Paint n’ Sip nights at a local art store here in town, so if I could get a friend to join me, I think it could be a blast!

And there you have it folks! If you stuck with me for all 15 then you are truly a friend, and I’m counting on you to hold me to it! I like to take out my lists once every few months to reassess/see how I’m progressing. So hopefully we will revisit the list sometime at the end of March and I’ll have a few notches under my belt!

And now, it’s your turn. Are there things that you hope to work on in 2015? I’d love to hear your plans — both sewing and non-sewing related! Happy New Year to you, friends!

work in progress

WIP Wednesday:

Gypsy Wife by Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

gypsy wife HST blocks

Baby steps around here this week. Made some progress on the sewing room/guest room, a few gypsy wife blocks, and my October do. Good Stitches blocks.

October do. Good Stitches.

(If they look familiar, it’s cuz they are — we made these same blocks in a different color-way back in May).

In between the rain this weekend, we headed down to PA for some apple and pumpkin picking with friends at Frecon Farms.


It’s beginning to feel like fall around here, in spite of the 75 degree days.

Fall Leaves

The leaves are changing, there is apple sauce in the oven, and the air conditioners are out of the windows. Last night the boys were jokingly singing Christmas carols and I didn’t mind a bit. I’m ready for you, fall!

Getting back to things sewing-related, I finally started to put my Gypsy Wife blocks up on the design board together and I am a bit perplexed. gypsy wife progress

There’s more white/cream than I remember, and I’m afraid it’s too stark a contrast against the earlier blocks that I made that are darker and more saturated. What do you think? Would you remake any of them? I’m on the fence, hoping I can pull it together and make it feel cohesive but not too matchy-match in the end. I’m all ears for any tips you might have for me going forward!

Hope you are having a fantastic week!

I’m linking up with Freshly Pieced and Sew Fresh Quilts.

work in progress

Finish Along Q4 Goals

Diamonds in the Deep by Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

How did you do? Did you participate in the third quarter of The Littlest Thistle’s Finish Along? Did you complete all of your goals? I was right on track for finishing all of mine, when the quilting on my LIMOD sampler got the best of me. I spent this past weekend picking out rows of stitches, unbasting and re-basting the quilt sandwich together. Initially, there was some slight puckering on the back. And at first I thought I could live with it. So I kept going. And then my inner critic got the best of me. Is this the kind of work you want to have represent you? No. It was not. So, LIMOD is getting pushed into the Q4 finish goals, for sure. And without further ado, here’s my list:

1) LIMOD Sampler: it needs to be quilted and bound. I hope to have it finished by next weekend!

LIMOD Sampler

2) Diamonds in the Deep: this one is in a UPS box on it’s way to get quilted up by a long-arm quilter! I’m so excited I can’t WAIT! I have my fabric picked for the binding so that it is ready to go when it comes back to me! I hope to have it finished by the end of November!Diamonds in the Deep

3) The Oversized Fashionista Bag: this bag is an amalgamation of patterns in the Bag Making Bible by Lisa Lam. I’ve added interior pockets, hardware, and a lining. It’s almost to the point where it’s ready to be sewn together. Except, there are some tabs and a handle that I’m not sure the needle on my machine can get through. And, I’m a big chicken. After all the work, I’m afraid my execution of the end result will not live up to the idea in my head. It’s the first time I’ve ever sewn with wool and a silky rayon lining, so, it’s definitely got imperfections already. Which is why it sat in my closet for close to a year. . . it’s time to face the fabric.

Oversized Fashionista Bag

Oversized Fashionista Bag

4) Birds of a Feather: I have a whole new idea for how I want to approach this quilt. It involves some curves, which I’ve never tackled before. It may be a bit too ambitious given the holidays are coming. . . but we’ll see!

Getting an idea in my head

And, then of course there’s the other stuff that I’ll be working on that doesn’t qualify for the Q4 Finish Along. There’s the Gypsy Wife BOM, do. Good Stitches bee blocks, LIMOD blocks and LOTS of handmade gifts for the holidays!

Are you ready? Let’s finish strong, 2014!

I’m linking up with The Littlest Thistle! You should, too! Let’s do this together!

work in progress

WIP Wednesday: out of the vault.

Sewing by Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Hi, there!

new design wall

Let’s catch up! This week I’ve been working on the randomest assortment of projects. Let me start by saying it’s been raining. A lot.

The biggest work-in-progress, by far, is the creation of a dedicated sewing space for meeeeee! We decided that carving out a spot in the guest room would be the best place for me to set up permanent shop.

We decided this back in July.

Well, this past weekend we made some great headway. I made a simple design wall using this tutorial. My new desk is set up. And my stash is now in the guest room instead of the dining room.

painting on canvasAs I cleaned out the closet to switch my stash’s location, it was like pulling works-in-progress out of the vault! And it gave me a whole new set of angst after this week’s finishes. One was this canvas purse I decided to make (ages ago) with visions of Anthropologie in my head. I bought paints. And then put them all together on the shelf, where they sat for almost a year. So, at this point, I was like, what is there to lose? Either it sits in the closet waiting forever for me to suddenly learn how to paint like an artiste (read that with a French accent), or I whip out the paint brush and see what happens! So I just sort of followed the shapes and forms of a Lullie Wallace print we have and suddenly, it was done! It’s not the best, but it’s not nearly as bad as I expected! I think it can be kind of quirky and fun if I finish the bag the right way, no? I also happened across this timely post by Radiant Home Studio about waxing canvas fabric. So, I ordered some of that. Serendipity, no doubt!

quilting the LIMOD samplerAnd finally, I started quilting the LIMOD sampler. More on that another day. I may need your advice. But for now, I am off to practice some yoga — to work on myself — the biggest WIP of all.

Hope you are having a great week so far! Linking up with Freshly Pieced and Sew Fresh Quilts.

ps – sorry for all of the dark photos, but as I said before, the rain and gloom just hasn’t stopped!

work in progress

odds and ends.

gypsy wife kim soper/leland ave studios

Indian HatchetI’ve been dabbling this week. A little here, a little there, making a few blocks for gypsy wife, attaching the bindings on two other quilts, and putting the back together for Diamonds in the Deep. A little of this, a little of that and slowly but surely things are getting done.

Puss in the Corner

Puss in the Corner with border

I also received my fabric for the Tone It Down low-volume fabric swap! (It’s Carolyn Friedlander’s Draft Paper in ivory — isn’t it fun?!?) It’s ready to cut into charm squares and get packaged up for mailing to Michelle at From Bolt to Beauty!

Tone It Down Fabric Swap

Slowly, slowly, I’m chipping away at the goals I have set for myself this month. As the last day of September approaches, I’m feeling good that some finishes are on the horizon. It also feels good to know that I’ll have some mental space free to focus on new projects. I’ve been thinking a lot about what direction I’d like to take my quilting next, and how I’d like to grow and challenge myself. . . now, it’s just a matter of finding the time to fit in everything I’d like to do!

For those who might be interested, you can learn more about the LV swap here. I’m not sure if there are spots left, but you should check it out to see!



Linking up with Freshly Pieced and Sew Fresh Quilts.

work in progress

WIP Wednesday: the feel-good edition.

Long island Modern Sampler Quilt Top by Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

LIMOD Sampler

It’s been a productive week around here! I have a completed sampler quilt top (finally) and I’ve completed this month’s bee blocks for do. Good Stitches. I’m feeling good about what’s been accomplished and I’m feeling good just in general that stuff has been accomplished! Sometimes, that in and of itself, is enough.

The two older boys have been causing some mischief at school — expected for my middle guy —  a surprise from my rule-abiding biggest guy. So, this week, we’ve been having a lot of discussions with them about making good (a.k.a. better) choices. I know it’s not something they will learn overnight.  It’s a lifelong process that I still practice every day — and I’m way older than they are!

September do. Good Stitches

Confession: Sometimes at the end of the night it’s just easier to sit on the couch and watch crappy tv with a glass of wine than it is to start thinking about quilt math.  Sometimes the easy choice is to do nothing, even when I’m excited about a project, because I let my tiredness serve as an excuse.  But deep down, I know when I accomplish something (like bee blocks that I know will go to a quilt for someone who really needs it) I feel really proud. And it’s a sense of pride in myself that doesn’t come often as a stay-at-home mom. I constantly feel pride for the things my boys accomplish, but so rarely for things I accomplish myself!

LIMOD Sampler (one more time!)

So, while I’m really pleased with my projects that I’m sharing with you today, I’m also feeling good about having something to share. And I feel good about being a part of a community where we all have something to share. So I’m just taking this opportunity to say Cheers to all of us! For making, and in doing so, making good choices!

Happy Wednesday, folks!


Linking up with Freshly Pieced and Sew Fresh Quilts.

work in progress

around the world blog hop!

Back Carnelian and Iron by Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

LIMOD Sampler test layout

I’ve been tagged! You’ve probably seen quite a few bloggers participating in the Around the World Blog Hop over the past few weeks, and this week it’s my turn! I was tagged by Michelle, who can be found at her blog From Bolt to Beauty. She’s a new blogger, like myself, and (in comparison to me) has already completed about a year’s worth of quilts and projects! She’s been a huge support and and inspiration as I’ve started writing about my own sewing endeavors, and I hope you check out her site and some of her work!

So now, let’s get started!

1. What am I working on?

Well, there are quite a few WIPs in my dining room right now. It’s probably easier for me to remember if I make a list:

  • LIMOD Sampler: My main focus this week is my sampler quilt that I am making as part of a block-of-the-month with my local guild.  I decided to add quite a few blocks to the original blocks, and I’m just about ready to sew the quilt top together.

LIMOD sampler quilt blocks

  • Then there’s my Diamonds in the Deep quilt top that needs a finish. I’m in talks with an awesome long-arm quilter and getting ready to make the quilt back this week. I’m really excited to see how this quilt looks when it’s all quilted and bound!Diamonds in the Deep
  • my monthly bee blocks for do. Good Stitches (these were my first and still my favorite!);

HOPE at do.goodstitches - March

  • Gypsy Wife quilt – still very much a work in progress, as I haven’t even started any of the filler blocks yet!

Gypsy Wife Blocks

Sometimes the amount of unfinished projects give me angst, and I need to take a step back and remind myself that this is a hobby! That I love! And it shouldn’t be stressing me out!

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Carnelian & Iron Quilt (front)Hmmm. That’s a tough one! I think I am still figuring myself out. I know that I lean toward a modern aesthetic, but I don’t think I would qualify myself as a completely modern quilter. I definitely identify myself more with that movement when I select my fabrics — but I still find myself drawn to traditional blocks and patterns. I do like to dabble in improv quilting on my quilt backs, but I have yet to make a strictly improv quilt top. . . maybe I should add that to my list of things to do once my current list of WIPs gets under control! One thing I always try to do is put a personal twist on whatever it is I am doing. So if it’s a pattern, I’ll try to change things up a bit, just so that my work is unique to me!

3. Why do I write/create what I do?

Here’s the back story on me: in a previous life, before becoming a mommy to my three beautiful boys, I was an attorney. And I was a pretty unhappy one. One of the biggest “jokes” I would make in law school was that the books had no pictures! And, while I was kidding. . . I sort of wasn’t. There was no color. No art. Nothing inspiring — to me. I know lots of really great attorneys who find legal work challenging, creative, and inspiring. But I didn’t. So, when I began quilting after my kids were born, I felt like I had finally found the color that I had been longing for. I’d felt like a part of my soul was unfulfilled for so long, and immediately quilting made me feel like a kid again! Plus, quilting requires accuracy, which I find challenging, and the end result is functional, which I also find appealing. And why do I document my projects here? Because I’m looking to make some friends that share the same interests that I have  — and learn from them, too. Simple as that!

Dresden Plate quilt 2012

Dresden Plate Quilt (2 yrs later)

4. How does my writing/creating process work?

Usually I wait until my project is complete (and I have photographs that I really would like to share), before I start writing a post. I find it hard to write about something unless I am visually inspired (see law career above). I have three kids, so it’s very rare that I write everything all in one sitting. Usually I write a few sentences, get interrupted, and come back an hour (or ten) later. Then I take a break and reread with fresh eyes to make sure I’m presenting (mostly!) coherent thoughts.

So who’s up next? Wellllllllllll. . .

I’m tagging Kirsty at Bonjour Quilts. She’s a very funny Aussie who is a mommy of four, a pattern designer, and a quilter with a great eye for color. I’ve pointed you her way before, and I’m excited to do it again and hear her thoughts on the above questions.

I’m also tagging Afton at Quilting Mod. I met Afton through the Hope circle of do.Good Stitches. She’s also really funny and uses an interesting mix of fabrics that really catch my eye. Have you seen her Focal Star Block? I absolutely love it, and she has so many other patterns and tutorials that are worth taking a look at!

If you’ve stayed all the way through to read all of this about me, then thank you! I’m linking up with Stitch By Stitch’s, Anything Goes Monday.

work in progress

WIP: the LIMOD sampler quilt.

Long Island Modern Sampler by Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Six inch blocks

You may remember from a while ago, that my local guild (LIMOD) had a sampler quilt block of the month. Well, at the last meeting (back in May), we all agreed to bring our finished quilts to the next meeting (scheduled for September 16th). You also might remember I made finishing this quilt a third quarter goal in the 2014 finish along.

So, um, yeah. In other words, I’d better get movin’!

So I came up with a plan:

the plan

I’d make a variety of different sized blocks, in addition to the 12 inch blocks we finished for the guild, to make the quilt feel unique to me.

I completed an 18 inch Wheel of Fortune block,

Wheel of Fortune Block

a 24 inch Figgy Pudding block (it’s the big one on the bottom right),

First time seeing all of the blocks together

and the six-inch blocks in the top photo (six so far). My plan was to make 19 of the six-inch blocks, and have them fill the gaps in the above layout. But, things started looking a little too busy. And then I found another block I had made for the guild that I wanted to include, too, which means I need to re-evaluate my plan.

As of now, I’m thinking of adding more negative space in the form of whites and some of the low-volume Carolyn Friedlander Botanics — but, that’s as far as I’ve gotten. I think it will require a little more playing around with the layout before I am exactly sure where I am going. Truly a work. in. progress.

What are you working on today? Any deadlines looming that have you sweating?

Linking up with Freshly Pieced and Sew Fresh Quilts.

work in progress

diamonds in the deep!

Diamonds In the Deep by Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Diamonds in the DeepThe day is here! I’ve been so excited to share my completed Diamonds in the Deep quilt top with you, and the day is finally here!

Diamonds in the Deep

I was honored to test this pattern in the queen-size for Kirsty over at Bonjour Quilts!! It was my first time testing a pattern, as well as  my first time making a queen-sized quilt top, and I have to say, I feel so proud of the final result!

Diamonds in the DeepThis pattern is seriously well-written! I mean, this queen-sized quilt has over a thousand pieces (is it possible that it’s over a million???), and it still came together in a snap!

Diamonds in the DeepDon’t get me wrong, it was a queen-sized quilt, so I’m not saying that it wasn’t a good deal of work — but it never felt like work, because Kirsty’s directions were so clear and the diagrams were so informative.  I never had to spend time “figuring things out” like I’ve had to do on some tutorials or patterns in the past. That’s one of the reasons I was excited to take on this challenge, because I had made one of Kirsty’s patterns before, and it too, was precise and easy to follow.

Diamonds in the DeepSo, I hope you love my tangerine take on Kirsty’s pattern as much as I do! If you are interested in making one, too, you can purchase the pattern here. And be sure to take a look at some of the interpretations the other testers have had! It’s been so much fun to see the different spins we all put on the same original design!

Linking up this week with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced, Lets Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts and Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation.