work in progress

on my mind.

Kim Soper/ Leland Ave Studios


looking north

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about my home. Specifically our space. How we use it. How much we have in it. How it’s decorated.  I want our home to be a place of comfort, of safety; and I want everything in the home to add value to our lives. I want everything to have a place. And to feel calm, not chaotic. I know that sounds a little ridiculous with three boys ages 5, 3 and 2. (Especially if you read this, which is really accurate – and funny). But, to the extent that this can be achievable (and here’s an article that has some tips for doing so), I want to try. I want to pare down our “stuff.” And make the belongings we have, more meaningful. So far, I’ve been tossing or donating one item a day. It’s been a few weeks, so there’s been some progress, but in full disclosure — it hasn’t made much of a dent!

So, what’s this got to do with quilting you ask? Well, to make an already long story short (sorry!), you may remember that I currently sew at my dining room table. Which is not ideal, because it’s the only table in the house.  It means I have to move my works-in-progress and put them away. A LOT. But I do it, because sewing is my creative and emotional outlet. Amidst the chaos, it brings me calm. But lately. . .that’s just the sewing time. The rest of the time, when I see my machine on the table, and the ironing board out, and pieces of fabric all over the chairs, and I know I’m going to have to move it because it’s almost time to eat. . . well, it stresses me out!

So, can you help a girl out?!?! Please tell me: what are some of your solutions for keeping things related to your sewing manageable and contained? Do you have a dedicated “studio” space in your house? Do you limit yourself to specific-sized projects? a specific-sized stash? or do you have other ways to make sure your sewing doesn’t creep in and overwhelm the non-sewing spaces in your house? I’d love to know!

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  • Kirsty@Bonjour
    June 12, 2014 at 3:48 am

    I’m lucky enough to have a study where we keep the computer and my sewing machine/gear. I think a dedicated spot, no matter how small, is fabulous if you can manage it as you save so much time being able to leave the machine set up all the time. If you have 15mins spare, you can get stuff done, whereas if you have to get the machine out, you’re more likely to give it a miss.
    As far as projects – for me it’s not their size, it’s how many I have going at one time. If I have too many, I start to get stressed out and overwhelmed. I like to have one main project and maybe two smaller things on the go at any one time, any more than that and I lose focus.
    I admire your resolve to pare down your belongings. I believe in that in every area except fabric. Ahem.

  • Michelle C.
    June 15, 2014 at 6:24 pm

    I have set up shop at our dining room table. We only use it for meals maybe four or five times a year, so I might as well use the space! I have two boys — ages 3.5 and 5 — and much of my sewing is done in quick stints, so having a dedicated space helps. At any given time, you’ll find a project in the works there, as well as a basket full of the stuff I use the most — seam rippers and rotary blades and rulers and did I mention seam rippers?
    My sewing storage is our guest room. I do keep my stash of yardage to one generous drawer in there (my mother finds this a pathetic size for a stash; hers lives in multiple rooms in her house, under beds and in closets!). Scraps are separated by color and stored in a plastic bin.
    I like to have multiple projects going at once so I can switch when I get bored/get frustrated/want to chuck my current project in its entirety. To that end, I’m working more with trays, like the tops of plastic bins or baking sheets, to contain one project and its little bits and to haul it from my storage space (aka the guest room) to my sewing room (aka the dining room).
    Good luck!

  • Damiana
    December 29, 2014 at 2:16 am

    I do have a studio (and it changed my life) and I keep the toys to a bare minimum. I have two kids, aged 6 and 3. The 3 year old still sleeps with us, so, one day, I decided that he did not need a room (that was undersused anyway) and put a couple of tables from Ikea and my life changed.
    My mess is limited to that room and slowly I know where everything is, and I’m making it more and more efficient every week.

    I do have something like 10 projects going on at the same time, I think that this is the way it works for me.

    Good luck and keep doing this beautiful quilts

  • Kaja
    March 7, 2015 at 2:40 am

    I know this is an older post, so maybe you have found a solution already but thought I’d share what has worked for me anyway. I have previously used the table but now have my machine set up in a corner of the kitchen, on the work surface. It sits on a big cutting mat and there is a folded up blanket next to it, for little bits of pressing as I go. I machine standing up, which I like because small fingers can’t reach (I have 4 year old twins). When I stop I cover the machine and leave it there. Everything else goes into a big plastic box which I use for my current WIP.